Building A Smart Home From The Ground Up

The smart home was something of a myth for many years, but with the proliferation of new smart devices, every home is looking to become an interconnected one. ZDNet reported that a huge 80 million households in the USA are looking to up their smart home game over the next year, demonstrating the huge thirst for smart design at home. Looking forward, that makes the prospect of homes built to be smart from day one ever more attractive, and home builders are taking a few steps to make that happen.

In the Walls

The reason construction can take stock of smart home solutions and make use of them is due to the fact that the very walls of a building can provide a better level of interconnectivity for the home. New designs of custom homes are becoming widespread, and according to the National Association of Realtors, the integrative use of high-quality wiring and materials that allow wireless transmission is increasingly common. This isn’t just limited to wooden structure housing; concrete home builders are using high-tech materials that promote insulation and structural integrity while allowing interconnectivity to the standard that smart homes demand.

Security Solutions

One problem with smart homes is that every device provides a potential ‘in’ to your home systems for hackers. This is a problem when devices from various manufacturers are used, or different networks and connection systems – any house could be running from wired internet, wifi, mobile data, and Bluetooth all at the same time. A new security bill workings its way through the government will create standards to combat this, according to IoT Business News. Smart home builders are implementing the capacity for single-point security hubs to implement these standards.

Onward Growth

If anything is needed in a smart home, it’s the potential for future change. Right now, the lack of flexibility in older buildings is being exposed as people look to make their new smart homes. Building in such a way where future adaptation and smart equipment can be installed and homes continually upgraded is fast becoming the norm.

Providing that level of flexibility in new builds will establish fantastic new building stock for the future. Nobody can truly predict where technology will take us in 20 or 30 years; ensuring that homes are smart today and smart for tomorrow helps to ensure there are no issues when the next fantastic bit of tech does materialize.