Marketing Tips to Push Your Website Higher in Search Rankings

Last Updated on October 16, 2023 by ScreenPush

All business owners and savvy digital marketers scratch their heads over a question. How do I increase my website’s ranking higher in the search engine? There is no magic button to take your website to the top of the search engine results. Most people think it takes some monetary investment to improve the rankings, but that alone will not give the desired results. It requires consistency and some right measures to mark your position on the search engine rankings. At first, you might find yourself struggling to see your page ranking for a specific keyword. But you are not alone.

Digital marketing and social media resources are integral to augmenting your SEO efforts. Leveraging these resources can amplify your website’s visibility and increase search rankings. Integrating the power of digital marketing and social media strategies with SEO is critical to maximizing your online presence and ultimately achieving your desired ranking goals.

Search Engine Optimization is a crucial process in digital marketing. Now with businesses shifting their operations digitally, the importance of SEO has increased profoundly. It is a process of improving your website’s quantity and quality while adding relevant content to your business. SEO gives your business brand exposure to the targeted audience, helping you generate leads and achieve sales. Today, maintaining an online presence for businesses is critical to ensure growth in the competitive market. However, the rising online competition is also an essential factor that impacts search rankings. For that instance, some tips and tricks can elevate your business website’s rankings. With that said, let’s discuss these tips to push your website higher in the search engine.

#1. Perform Keyword Research

Keyword research is the top factor to consider to get your business rankings off the ground. The keywords are the blueprints for your website that will help rank it on the search engines like Google and Bing. Now you may ask why you need them. You see that when searchers perform a query on the search engine, they search with specific keywords. The search engine gives them results that match perfectly.

Your digital marketing strategy needs these keywords that your potential customers are searching on the internet. You can find lucrative keywords with more search volume and less competition relevant to your website and produce content for these keywords. For that instance, you can use keyword checker tools that run a full analysis of your keyword.

#2. Press Release Distribution

Press release distribution can play a role in your website’s marketing strategy, but its impact on directly improving your website’s search engine rankings (SEO) might be somewhat limited. Here’s how press release distribution can contribute to your marketing efforts and its potential effects on website ranking:

  1. Increased Online Visibility: Press releases are distributed to various news outlets, online platforms, and industry-specific websites. When your press release gets picked up and published by these outlets, it can help increase your brand’s online visibility and reach a wider audience.
  2. Backlinks: Press releases often include links back to your website. These backlinks can potentially contribute to your website’s SEO efforts, particularly if they are from reputable and relevant sources. Search engines consider the quality and relevance of the linking domain, so having backlinks from authoritative websites can positively impact your website’s search engine ranking.
  3. Brand Authority and Trust: A well-written and newsworthy press release can establish your brand as an authority in your industry. This can enhance your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness, which indirectly influences user behavior and search engine rankings.
  4. Increased Traffic: If your press release generates interest and curiosity among readers, they might visit your website to learn more about your products or services. This increased traffic can indirectly impact your SEO by signaling to search engines that your website is relevant and engaging.
  5. Keyword Optimization: When crafting a press release, you can include relevant keywords related to your industry, products, or services. While press releases might not have the same direct impact on keyword rankings as on-page SEO optimization, they can contribute to your website’s overall keyword relevance and semantic context.
  6. Social Signals: Press releases can be shared on social media platforms, generating social signals that indicate engagement and interest in your brand. While social signals themselves might not have a significant direct impact on SEO, they can contribute to building an online presence and brand recognition, which can indirectly influence rankings.

However, it’s important to note that the impact of press release distribution on SEO is often debated. Google’s algorithms have evolved to prioritize high-quality, organic backlinks and relevant, valuable content. Simply distributing press releases for the sake of backlinks might not yield substantial results and could even be seen as a manipulative SEO tactic.

For press release distribution to have a meaningful impact on your website’s ranking, you should focus on creating genuinely newsworthy and valuable content. The press release should provide useful information to readers and be genuinely interesting to journalists, bloggers, and other content creators. This increases the likelihood of your press release being picked up by reputable sources and generating organic backlinks.

Most people never tend to consider the outbound links, but they have a significant impact on the SEO of your website. Outbound links, also known as external links, are the URLs that refer to another website from your page. You can use them in the content as resources or add more context to the delivered information. You must not make the mistake of never adding the outbound links to the content on your website.

Moreover, Google explains that outbound links are a great way to provide accuracy and value of content to the users. Most users on the internet seek accurate information. Once you start delivering the information based on credible resources, it will build trust for your brand and retain them on your website.

#4. Writing Relevant Meta Descriptions

There is no shortage of highly lucrative strategies in the struggle or race to achieve a higher ranking on search engines and defeat competitors. The meta description is one of these strategies that can extend your rankings and bring unique visitors to your website. The meta description is the snippet of information, mostly a summary of the article that tells the searchers about your website’s content. These snippets appear below every search result with information ranging from 2-3 sentences. The meta descriptions’ main purpose is to engage the searchers to click on the search result and reach your website.

These snippets are an efficient way to increase the click-through rate of your pages. Google measures the authority for ranking the content through algorithms with the help of the click-through rate. Gone are the days of keyword stuffing and link farming to increase the click-through rates of the website. Today, Google has updated its algorithm to improve user experience by providing relevant and accurate content. For that instance, adding engaging and relevant meta descriptions can improve your click-through rates and, thus higher rankings.

#5. Post Lengthy Content

Not many people are aware, but studies have proven that longer content ranks higher on the search engine. It builds trust among the visitors, but it also improves the overall visibility of the website. The longer content means an article ranging from 1500-2000 words. The main wisdom behind the longer content is that it can accommodate more keywords. The authenticity of the post depends on the number of keywords it is ranking for. Moreover, the readers perceive longer content as more helpful than short blogs that leave the readers on edge.

With the rise of featured snippets, there is an increased rush towards optimizing content for long-tail keywords. These also search queries that are more in question forms. These snippets are the relevant information from your website that is displayed on the search results page without letting the visitors click on the results. These keywords give you the edge to outrank the competitors and increase the organic traffic on your website. These long-tail keywords work best on the long content, thus increasing the web traffic and authenticity. However, the featured snippets will not increase the click-through rate. But they will improve your rankings without paid advertisements.

#6. Do Not Forget Internal Linking

Apart from outbound linking, it would help if you also considered internal linking for your website. The internal links are the URLs that take the users to the page on your website. These linking strategies can help your website to index quickly on the search engine. Search engines like Google use crawler bots that crawl through your website to index in the database. These crawlers rely on the page’s links to get through all pages of your website and add them to the index. Avoiding adding internal links to your website will increase the risk of crawling and leaving the page without indexing. Make sure to link the article with the previous articles and pages, but do not overdo it. Adding the relevant links to your content will help the crawler identify the content’s accuracy and relevancy.

#7. Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

Mobile responsiveness plays a vital role in ranking your web higher on the search results. However, with the rising number of internet consumers on mobile phones, Google has rolled out the algorithm update to give more ranking authority to better mobile responsiveness websites. This responsiveness means that your website design should fit all screens from desktops, laptops, and smartphones to tablets. The main purpose of this is to increase user engagement and provide a better experience to the visitor.

Final Words

In short, ranking your website is critical to increasing brand engagement and targeting the right audience. The key is consistent effort and patience to see the results. If you do not see the desired results, alter your strategy and try again. Moreover, incorporating these smart tips will pay dividends in the long run.